Samstag, 19. Juni 2010

Surfaces and Texture

"To collect photographs is to collect the world."
Susan Sontag

I take pictures of everyday objects. Mostly I try to depict what I find beautiful about them, their shape, their surface, their color or find an angle that shows them in an unusual light.

I collect those images as I go along and it seems that often the place the pictures are taken in has no relevance whatsoever, is not recognizable in any way. However I always find myself much more inspired on journeys and when I am feeling foreign, ready to discover the new environment I am moving in.

I consider myself a nomad. I like to have the feeling I can leave whenever I want. I find relief of this desire in photography, as it makes me look at and discover things anew even in the environment I seemingly know by heart.

The patterns, textures and objects I encounter and find fascinating are often of an ornamental nature, I find them incredible soothing in this fast world, full of fast images.

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